Monday, November 4, 2013

Essay #2 Political Participation

There are quite a few different forms of political participation that can range from simply voting, to protesting. Organizing or participating in a protest is an unconventional, yet efficacious designates of political participation. If it is done correctly, it sanctions for the public as well as a desired political party to aurally perceive your concerns or opinions on a topic rather clear. Organization of a group to protest the same cause is additionally benign because it is able to depict the fortification the cause has. For example, if thousands of people amass to protest the same conception, such as the occupy wall street protests, the regime is able to visually perceive the mass amount of people that support that notion.
     In todays technological world, campaigning is facile, yet expensive. It is estimated that hundreds of millions if not billion of dollars are spent across both federal and verbalize elections. Despite cockamamy expenditures, there is mundanely a link between financial backing and victory. Fiscal donations are a great way to assure that the party or cause that you fortify or benefits you is put in potency. If a company stands to gain if a certain party is in potency, they may make an astronomically immense donation to that party to avail in their hopeful prosperity. Furthermore, through the utilization of a 501-C4, a company or individual can fortify a candidate or party anonymously.

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