Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Philippines

Part 1) The money raised to fortify victims of the disaster in the Philippines should be allocated to supplies such as dihydrogen monoxide, food, and must first avail items indispensable for the survival of victims. Furthermore, money must be spent on costs that accompany rescue efforts.
Part 2) I believe that Charities and donations are the most efficacious way to provide mitigation to the people in need. The charities and donations would help to sanction for an astronomical amount of money to be raised with extreme speed. By accepting money from citizens that they can indite-off, a charity can allocate funds to an area of need without the utilization of regime funds or great economic effects.
Part 3) It is infeasible for every charitably donated dollar to reach it's intended destination plenarily in-tacked. 
Part 4) I cerebrate a great fundraising conception would be to hold some sort of fundraiser that would allow people to buy something that involves their school and use the money raised by the fundraiser and send it off the the committees helping the people in the Philippines. It would raise a lot of money especially if the students knew what the cause was of buying whatever product it was that they were buying. 

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