Friday, February 28, 2014

Essay #11, Incumbency

   (a) The importance of incumbency is undoubtedly high on America's priority list. In this section, the graph exhibites the incumbency of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The graph shows how both the House and the Senate have high incumbency rates, while the House has higher and more stable rates than the Senate. 

        (b) Incumbency allows for many advantages for the politician involved. By remaining in office, they have more experience and understand the inner-workings of the government. Also being in office longer allows them access to more campaign funding as they have more connections within the government.

 (c) A positive consequence of incumbency is the development of more experienced political leaders. The longer a politician is in office, the more experience they will have, and the better they will become in most cases. 

(2001_2) the graph above shows reelection rates for incumbents in the House and Senate. From this information and your knowledge of of the US politics, perform the following 
tasks. (Fig 12.1)
a) identify two patterns displayed in the graph
b) identify 2 factors that contribute to incumbency advantage. Explain how each factor contributes to incumbency advantage.
c) Discuss one consequence of incumbency advantage for the US political process

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Meth Epidemic

Byker, Carl. "The Meth Epidemic." PBS. PBS, 17 May 2011. Web. 07 Feb. 2014.

        In the PBS Frontline special, Carl Byker depicts the epidemic of Meth sales, its use, and its conveyance in Portland, OR and its incremented use across the nation. Furthermore, the video verbalizes with the multiple increases and decreases of meth use over the years on the West coast and how those fluctuations have resulted from the purity of the meth which fluctuates predicated on the availability of the chemicals used to make the meth. The frontline presentation portrays how the drug pseudoephedrine, the key ingredient in making meth, is purchased, both licitly and illicitly, from every-day pharmacies and transformed into pernicious meth.

Davies, Dave. "Astronomically immense Pharma And Meth Cooks Concur: Keep Cold Meds Over The Counter." NPR. NPR, 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 07 Feb. 2014.
        While millions of Americans have tuned in to visually examine the fictional television math world of breaking deplorable, not many Americans ken that that world is not far from the truth. Journalist Jonah Engle has spent years researching the authentic world of meth and has indited numerous publications on the issue. In one of his recent articles he noted the recent spike in home-cooked meth with the utilization of over-the-counter pharmaceuticals such as pseudoephedrine. Methods not only an astronomically immense peril to the cook but a grave hazard to a community. In recent years the meth epidemic has only worsened and he perpetuates to show no denotements of amelioration.

"Law Enforcement." N.p., 2011. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.
        As the amounts of Meth perpetuates to grow and migrate east, law-enforcement agencies have developed certain strategies and policies to combat the unique challenges they face in their ongoing war against drugs. Challenges faced consist of the deterrents of engenderment, distribution, trafficking, and utilization of the highly addictive drug. Unlike many other drugs, Meth can be made in peoples homes with local ingredients that can be found in a corner side drug store. While many recent law enforcement efforts have been prosperous in reducing the number of meth labs in the Coalesced States, law enforcement  agency is have recently optically discerned an incrementation in the trafficking of meth from Mexico into the US.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014




Once Japan was vanquished in World War II, Their control of Korea was completely lost. As Korea's incipient owners, the US and USSR split Korea in two at the 38th parallel line of latitude. Soviet troops occupied the northern part of Korea, while Coalesced States troops occupied the southern part. Several years later in 1950, North Korean troops assailed across the line and when UN demands for a withdrawal were ignored, troops of member nations entered the conflict on the side of South Korea. . The Communist Chinese joined North Korea, and the war became stalemated. An armistice in 1953 fine-tuned the boundaries between the two sections substantially as they had been afore. Years later in 1980, an incipient constitution was imposed under Major General Chun Doo Hwan who had just seized the regime and he was elected president the following year. Under Chun, South Korea prospered. In 1987, with growing opposition to his rule, Chun consented to the adoption of an incipient, democratic constitution and the holding of elections. The presidential election of 1987 was acquired victory by Roh Tae Woo, the former bellwether of Chun's party. In 1988 the country was host to the summer Olympic Games. In 1997 the South Korean economy was hit by a rigorous financial crisis. In December of that year a $58-billion avail package, the most astronomically immense international loan to date, was arranged by several countries and international lending agencies to avail South Korea's regime, banks, and industrial corporations make payments on their debt. The economic difficulties were the most astringent South Korea had suffered since its industrialization following the Korean War. In 2002 North Korea revealed that it was conducting a nuclear weapons program, and therefore in breach of a 1994 accedence with the Cumulated States, South Korea, and Japan not to engage in such a program. In January 2003 North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty of which it had been a party, and later that year promulgated that it had reprocessed spent nuclear fuel rods, a method of obtaining weapons-grade nuclear material. Mistrustful of North Korea's intentions, China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, and the Coalesced States commenced in 2003 to hold a series of multiparty negotiations with North Korea in an effort to persuade it to discontinue utilizing nuclear technology.
In December of 2011 Kim Jong-il died and Kim Jong-un was hailed. December of 2011 Kim Jong-il died and Kim Jong-un was hailed as "Great Successor" and surmounted of the National Defence Commission. In 2012 February Kim Jong-il was posthumously awarded the highest military denomination of Generalissimo--the same rank held by his father. The Army pledged thier adhesion to Un in a mass parade held to mark the 70th anniversary of Kim Jong-il's birth. In 2012 April Kim Jong-un formally surmounts ruling party leadership, becoming First Secretary of the Workers Party however the launch of a "rocket-mounted satellite" to mark the day of inchoation of Kim Il-Sung failed. After the launch most observers commenced to cerebrate that North Korea was conducting a long-range missile test. In August 2012 The Amalgamated Nations verbalized that North Korea asked for exigent food avail after devastating floods in July. In December 2012  A North Korean rocket launch puts a satellite into orbit, after the failure to do so in April. The UN including China regard this as a breach of a proscription on North Korean ballistic missile tests, as the rocket technology is identically tantamount. In February 2013 North Korea carries out a third nuclear test, verbalized to be twice as astronomically immense as the 2009 test and the UN Security Council approves fresh sanctions over the test. I believe North Korea's current state is unstable and has an unfit ruler at the helm thus the state will suffer either a regime or state change. I optically discern it being most likely that North Korea will  optically discern a vicissitude in regime in the near future as superseding or transmuting the ruler of a state is the simplest alteration with the greatest effect. I believe the supersession of Kim Jong-un would greatly benefit the state and if an incipient "sane" ruler takes his place, the county may again become stable. Albeit I do not prognosticate north and south Korea conjoining in the near future, a state change such as this would most likely benefit multiple countries including the Cumulated States. All that is kenned for sure is that a regime or state change is desperately needed in North Korea and a stabilization of the state would be great.