Monday, February 10, 2014

The Meth Epidemic

Byker, Carl. "The Meth Epidemic." PBS. PBS, 17 May 2011. Web. 07 Feb. 2014.

        In the PBS Frontline special, Carl Byker depicts the epidemic of Meth sales, its use, and its conveyance in Portland, OR and its incremented use across the nation. Furthermore, the video verbalizes with the multiple increases and decreases of meth use over the years on the West coast and how those fluctuations have resulted from the purity of the meth which fluctuates predicated on the availability of the chemicals used to make the meth. The frontline presentation portrays how the drug pseudoephedrine, the key ingredient in making meth, is purchased, both licitly and illicitly, from every-day pharmacies and transformed into pernicious meth.

Davies, Dave. "Astronomically immense Pharma And Meth Cooks Concur: Keep Cold Meds Over The Counter." NPR. NPR, 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 07 Feb. 2014.
        While millions of Americans have tuned in to visually examine the fictional television math world of breaking deplorable, not many Americans ken that that world is not far from the truth. Journalist Jonah Engle has spent years researching the authentic world of meth and has indited numerous publications on the issue. In one of his recent articles he noted the recent spike in home-cooked meth with the utilization of over-the-counter pharmaceuticals such as pseudoephedrine. Methods not only an astronomically immense peril to the cook but a grave hazard to a community. In recent years the meth epidemic has only worsened and he perpetuates to show no denotements of amelioration.

"Law Enforcement." N.p., 2011. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.
        As the amounts of Meth perpetuates to grow and migrate east, law-enforcement agencies have developed certain strategies and policies to combat the unique challenges they face in their ongoing war against drugs. Challenges faced consist of the deterrents of engenderment, distribution, trafficking, and utilization of the highly addictive drug. Unlike many other drugs, Meth can be made in peoples homes with local ingredients that can be found in a corner side drug store. While many recent law enforcement efforts have been prosperous in reducing the number of meth labs in the Coalesced States, law enforcement  agency is have recently optically discerned an incrementation in the trafficking of meth from Mexico into the US.

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