Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Essay #18

a.) One trend evident in the figure is that the percentage of House seats for Democrats has decreased.

b.) Incumbency advantage gives candidates already holding office an advantage over newcomers. Even though southern states may have voted for a Republican president, they continued to vote for experienced, incumbent Democratic congressional candidates.

Gerrymandering is the act of dividing electoral districts in such a way as to favor one party or class. In southern states, Gerrymandering created districts that protected Democratic seats even though there were more Republican voters in statewide presidential elections.

c.) Catholics have become much more inclined to vote for Republicans and much less inclined to vote for Democrats, due in part to the Republican views on abortion.

Labor union members have decreased in number, and, therefore, account for a smaller percentage of Democratic voters. 

Women, as a whole, generally tend to vote Democratic. As the number of women have increased, outpopulating men, they account for a larger percentage of Democratic voters.

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